Results for 'Ching-Lam Janice Law'

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  1.  94
    Direct medical costs of care for Chinese patients with colorectal neoplasia: a health care service provider perspective.Carlos K. H. Wong, Cindy L. K. Lam, Jensen T. C. Poon, Sarah M. McGhee, Wai-Lun Law, Dora L. W. Kwong, Janice Tsang & Pierre Chan - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (6):1203-1210.
  2.  48
    Validity and reliability study on traditional Chinese FACT‐C in Chinese patients with colorectal neoplasm.Carlos Kh Wong, Cindy Lk Lam, Wai‐Lun Law, Jensen Tc Poon, Pierre Chan, Dora Lw Kwong & Janice Tsang - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (6):1186-1195.
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    Majority vote of even and odd experts in a polychotomous choice situation.Louisa Lam & Ching Y. Suen - 1996 - Theory and Decision 41 (1):13-36.
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    Guest Editors’ Introduction.Wing-Keung Lam & Ching-Yuen Cheung - 2014 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 13 (4):451-452.
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  5. Nihon tetsugaku no tayōsei: 21-seiki no arata na taiwa o mezashite.Wing-Keung Lam, Ching-Yuen Cheung & Keiichi Noe (eds.) - 2012 - Kyōto-shi: Sekai Shisōsha.
  6.  1
    Unjustified Partiality or Impartial Bias? Reckoning with Age and Disability Discrimination in Cancer Clinical Trials.Janice B. Schwartz & Kenneth Covinsky - 2024 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 52 (3):731-733.
    In this issue, Zakout discusses European Union (EU) legal provisions for inclusion of patients of all types in clinical trials.1 Shee highlights the unfortunate failure to include adequate numbers of older adults and adults with disabilities in clinical trials of anti-cancer agents. We agree with her argument that this is an ethical issue as well as a scientific and clinical issue.
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    Heideggerian hermeneutic phenomenology as method: modelling analysis through a meta-synthesis of articles on Being-towards-death.Janice Gullick & Sandra West - 2020 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 23 (1):87-105.
    While the richness of Heideggerian philosophy is attractive as a healthcare research framework, its density means authors rarely utilise its fullest possibilities as an hermeneutic analytic structure. This article aims to clarify Heideggerian hermeneutic analysis by taking one discrete element of Heideggerian philosophy (Being-towards-death), and using it’s clearly defined structure to conduct a meta-synthesis of Heideggerian phenomenological studies on the experience of living with a potentially life-limiting illness. The findings richly illustrate Heidegger’s philosophy that there is either an inauthentic positioning (...)
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    Choice: The Essential Element in Human Action by Alan Donagan.Janice Schultz - 1991 - The Thomist 55 (1):160-165.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:160 BOOK REVIEWS ary. The latter dispose toward {mediate) and help in the expression of (pertain to the use of) the grace of the Spirit. In professing the priority of the Spirit, The Reshaping of Catholicism could hardly be in greater agreement with the Summa theologiae. This theme in Dulles suggests how Aquinas can be linked to ecclesial renewal: Aquinas's thought on the New Law can assist the Church (...)
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    Enforcing Labor Standards in Partnership with Civil Society: Can Co-enforcement Succeed Where the State Alone Has Failed?Janice Fine - 2017 - Politics and Society 45 (3):359-388.
    Over the last decade, cities, counties, and states across the United States have enacted higher minimum wages, paid sick leave and family leave, domestic worker protections, wage theft laws, “Ban the Box” removal of questions about conviction history from job applications, and fair scheduling laws. Nevertheless, vulnerable workers still do not trust government to come forward and report labor law violations. The article argues that while increasing the size of the labor inspectorate and engaging in strategic enforcement are necessary, they (...)
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  10.  41
    The Classic Social Contractarians: Critical Perspectives From Contemporary Feminist Philosophy and Law.Janice Richardson - 2009 - Ashgate Pub. Company.
    This book uses contemporary feminist insights to examine aspects of the classic social contractarians' arguments, concentrating upon the work of Hobbes, Spinoza ...
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  11.  29
    Male Nurses in Delivery Rooms.Janice Rader - 1982 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 10 (2):54-54.
  12.  15
    Law, selfhood and feminist philosophy: monstrous aberrations.Janice Richardson - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    At the intersection of law, feminism and philosophy, this book analyses the ways in which certain bodies and 'selves' continue to be treated as monstrous aberrations from the 'ideal' figure or norm. Employing contemporary feminist philosophy to rethink accepted legal ideas, the book is divided into three sections. The first focuses on the different relational ontologies of philosophers Adriana Cavarero and Christine Battersby - also considering their work via a third term: Spinoza. The second turns to diverse feminist engagements with (...)
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  13. The Changing Meaning of Privacy, Identity and Contemporary Feminist Philosophy.Janice Richardson - 2011 - Minds and Machines 21 (4):517-532.
    This paper draws upon contemporary feminist philosophy in order to consider the changing meaning of privacy and its relationship to identity, both online and offline. For example, privacy is now viewed by European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) as a right, which when breached can harm us by undermining our ability to maintain social relations. I briefly outline the meaning of privacy in common law and under the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) in order to show the relevance of (...)
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  14.  24
    Spinoza’s Conception of Personal and Political Change: A Feminist Perspective.Janice Richardson - 2020 - Law and Critique 31 (2):145-162.
    By focusing upon three figures: a trade unionist, who can no longer understand or reconcile himself with his past misogynist behaviour; Spinoza’s Spanish poet, who loses his memory and can no longer write poetry or even recognise his earlier work; and Spinoza’s lost friend, Burgh, who became a devout Catholic, I draw out Spinoza’s description of radical change in beliefs. I explore how, for Spinoza, radical changes that involve an increase in our powers of acting are conceived differently from those (...)
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    Developing a Nursing Corporate Compliance Program.Janice A. Bartis & Trent Sullivan - 2002 - Jona's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation 4 (3):67-77.
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    Michigan Court Invalidates Exculpatory Agreements Releasing Hospitals from Vicarious Liability.Janice L. Weiner - 1995 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 23 (2):210-210.
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  17.  41
    Feminist legal theory and practice: rethinking the relationship.Janice Richardson - 2005 - Feminist Legal Studies 13 (3):275-293.
    This article aims to contribute to the question of how to conceptualise the relationship between theory and practice in feminist scholarship in law. It looks in detail at the implications of different issues raised in a recent debate between Anne Bottomley and Ngaire Naffine on the existence of a “legal feminist orthodoxy”. I critique the dominance of ethics over politics and join Bottomley in her attack upon “the ethics of respect for the other”, albeit from a different position. I then (...)
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    Thomistic Metaethics and A Present Controversy.Janice L. Schultz - 1988 - The Thomist 52 (1):40-62.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THOMISTIC METAETIDCS AND A PRESENT CONTROVERSY XOOD STARTING point for understanding the recent controversy regarding the Grisez-Finnis interpretaition oi St. Thomas Aquinas's ethical theory is Finnis's claim that "by a 'Simple act of non-inferential understanding one grasps that the objeot of the [natural] inclination which one experiences is an instance of a general form of good, for oneself (and others like one)." 1 For here Finnis is denying an (...)
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  19.  22
    The law and the sublime: Rethinking the self and its boundaries.Janice Richardson - 2007 - Law and Critique 18 (2):229-252.
    Christine Battersby has argued that it is Kant who provides the paradigm model of what it is to be a self in modernity. The Kantian self is established in opposition to its other. The body is commonly envisaged as a container, with selfhood as something that is defended against the outside. In contrast, she proposes a feminist reworking of such a model of selfhood, applicable to both men and women, in which the self and other emerge over time through patterns (...)
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  20.  36
    Refusal of Brain Death Diagnosis.Janice A. Anderson, Lawrence W. Vernaglia & Shirley P. Morrigan - 2007 - Jona's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation 9 (3):90-92.
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    Dong Ya chuan tong yu xian dai zhe xue zhong de zi wo yu ge ren.Zhenfeng Cai, Wing-Keung Lam & Ching-Yuen Cheung (eds.) - 2015 - Taibei Shi: Guo li Taiwan da xue chu ban zhong xin.
    對於person與self,「個人」與「自我」概念的釐清, 有助於東亞漢字文化圈內部的相互理解,並可作為東亞與西方對話的橋樑。 本書所收錄各篇論文大多涉及了「跨學科」與「跨文化」的研究,以「個人」(人格)與「自我」的概念作為串貫,當中包括中國思想、德國哲學、英國哲學、京都學派、當代新儒家哲學與臺灣日治時期哲學。在篇目安排上,以 〈非人類學觀點下的自我與個人〉作為全書在方法論上的引言,其後再列東亞傳統思想中具有主流意義的孔孟儒學、道家哲學與陽明心學,最後則列以東亞現代哲學。 本書所論及的中西思想家,主要有老子、孔子、孟子、莊子、王弼、王陽明、康德、海德格、謝勒、格林、西田幾多郎、田邊元、阿部次郎、和辻哲郎與洪耀勳等;主題方面,主要由人格、身心、語言與意識、場所、媒介、人間 與實存等議題組成。在個人與自我之概念的研討上,相當值得參考。.
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  22.  45
    Spinoza, Feminism and Privacy: Exploring an Immanent Ethics of Privacy.Janice Richardson - 2014 - Feminist Legal Studies 22 (3):225-241.
    In this article I explore the usefulness of Spinoza’s ethics for feminism by considering ways in which it allows feminists to rethink privacy. I draw upon some of Spinoza’s central ideas to address the following question: when should information be classed as private and when should it be communicated? This is a question that is considered by the common law courts. Attempts to find a moral underpinning for such a tortious action against invasions of privacy have tended to draw upon (...)
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  23.  40
    Hobbes’ Frontispiece: Authorship, Subordination and Contract.Janice Richardson - 2016 - Law and Critique 27 (1):63-81.
    In this article I argue that the famous image on Hobbes’ frontispiece of Leviathan provides a more honest picture of authority and of contract than is provided by today’s liberal images of free and equal persons, who are pictured as sitting round a negotiating table making a decision as to the principles on which to base laws. Importantly, in the seventeenth century, at the start of modern political thought, Hobbes saw no contradiction between contractual agreement and subordination. I will draw (...)
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  24.  21
    Was kümmert den Hippokleides? Überlegungen zu einem internationalen Spektakel und einer vertanzten Hochzeit.Janice Biebas-Richter - 2016 - Hermes 144 (3):279-298.
    The study discusses the wooing of Agariste which was proclaimed at Olympia by Kleisthenes, the tyrant of Sicyon, inviting everybody who thought himself worthy to be his son-in-law. At the final banquet his favorite, Hippokleides, danced away his marriage by acting out a bizarre dance. However, his reaction was: „It does not matter to Hippocleides!“ (Hdt. 6,129,4). It will be proposed that Kleisthenes tried to dominate the competition and to establish an enduring hierarchy between himself and the suitors by taking (...)
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    The Role of Integrity in the Governance of the Commons: Governance, Ecology, Law, Ethics.Franz-Theo Gottwald, Janice Gray & Laura Westra (eds.) - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book explores the impact of disintegrity on various aspects of governance, as the disregard of ecological conditions produce grave direct effects to human rights (to water or food) and, indirectly, also to human security in several ways. International legal regimes need to be reconsidered and perhaps re-interpreted, in order to correct these situations that affect the commons today. Some believe that our starting point should acknowledge the impact we already have on the natural world, and accept that we now (...)
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  26.  17
    Elizabethan ‘Spinning’ and Penelope’s Weaving: The Political, the Common Law and Stately Bodies.Janice Richardson - 2006 - Law and Critique 17 (2):135-151.
    This paper examines the public, private and political in the work of Adriana Cavarero by drawing upon the situations of two women whose lives feature in her work: Elizabeth I and Penelope. It includes an analysis of the way in which Cavarero is rethinking Hannah Arendt’s view of ‘the political.’ Cavarero’s exposition of the metaphor of the King’s two bodies in the common law is explored, along with her critique of hylomorphism. Finally, it extends her work in Stately Bodies by (...)
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  27. Julian Tenison Woods: From entangled histories to history shaper.Mary Cresp & Janice Tranter - 2018 - The Australasian Catholic Record 95 (3):286.
    Cresp, Mary; Tranter, Janice Entanglements were part of Julian Edmund Tenison Woods' life from the time of his birth in London on 15 November 1832. His mother, Henrietta Tenison, daughter of a Church of Ireland rector, had several relatives in the Anglican clergy, including Thomas Tenison, Archbishop of Canterbury, and Edmund Tenison, Bishop of Ossory. Julian's father, James Dominic, was the son of a Cork businessman and studied law in Ireland. He was Catholic, but not practising during his working (...)
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  28.  21
    Strengthening Labor Standards Enforcement through Partnerships with Workers’ Organizations.Jennifer Gordon & Janice Fine - 2010 - Politics and Society 38 (4):552-585.
    Structures of employment in low-wage industries, a diminished wage and hour inspectorate, and an unworkable immigration regime have combined to create an environment where violations of basic workplace laws are everyday occurrences. This article identifies four “logics” of detection and enforcement, arguing that there is a mismatch between the enforcement strategies of most federal and state labor inspectorates and the industries in which noncompliance continues to be a problem. In response, the authors propose augmenting labor inspectorates by giving public interest (...)
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    Jamming the machines: “Woman” in the work of irigaray and deleuze.Janice Richardson - 1998 - Law and Critique 9 (1):89-115.
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    The Role of Community, State, Territorial, and Tribal Public Health in Obesity Prevention.Janice K. Sommers & Claire Heiser - 2013 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 41 (s2):35-39.
    This article explores how governmental public health authorities can contribute to public health efforts to address obesity by monitoring the prevalence of obesity and associated risk factors, investigating the contributing factors, informing the public, and working with the citizens in their jurisdiction to develop solutions that fit the needs and sensibilities of the people.
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    Lawyers as Advocates in Public Health Practice.Joan McNamara, Janice Carson, Stephen Bundy & Marice Ashe - 2004 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32 (S4):90-91.
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    Revisiting Aquinas on “Naturalism”.Janice L. Schultz-Aldrich - 2003 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 77 (1):113-131.
    This article defends as correct and as faithful to Aquinas’s thought the tenets of “descriptivism” (sometimes called “naturalism”) in the context of criticisms that Patrick Lee has made in “Is Thomas’s Natural Law Theory Naturalist?” (American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 71:4 [1997]: 567–87). “Revisiting Aquinas” argues that evaluative utterances are descriptive; so even if human goods were immediately known by practical reason (a position nonetheless rejected), their understanding would be a descriptive one, which moral objectivity requires. The arising of the prescriptivity (...)
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    Beyond equality and difference: Sexual difference in the work of Adriana Cavarero. [REVIEW]Janice Richardson - 1998 - Feminist Legal Studies 6 (1):105-120.
  34.  7
    “Truth” is a Divine Name: Hitherto Unpublished Papers of Edward A. Synan, 1918-1997.Janice L. Schultz-Aldrich (ed.) - 2010 - BRILL.
    This volume contains essays on an array of topics originally presented orally by a master teacher and scholar. With characteristic rhetorical elegance, Msgr. Synan, late professor at the Pontifical Institute in Toronto, delivered these papers in a variety of settings on issues relating to his specialty of mediaeval Christian philosophy and to his interest in Jewish-Christian dialogue, on the theology of sanctity and of death, and on morally significant historical events. Medieval figures represented here include Aquinas, Augustine, Abelard, and Godfrey (...)
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    The Predictive Effects of Family and Individual Wellbeing on University Students' Online Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Xiaoqin Zhu, Carman K. M. Chu & Yee Ching Lam - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly changed university students' life routines, such as prolonged stay at home and learning online without prior preparation. Identifying factors influencing student online learning has become a great concern of educators and researchers. The present study aimed to investigate whether family wellbeing would significantly predict university students' online learning effectiveness indicated by engagement and gains. The mediational role of individual wellbeing such as life satisfaction and sleep difficulties was also tested. This study collected data from 511 (...)
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  36.  41
    ICTs and China: An Introduction.Pui-lam Law & Wai-chi Rodney Chu - 2008 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 21 (1):3-7.
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    ICTs and Migrant Workers in Contemporary China.Pui-lam Law & Wai-chi Rodney Chu - 2008 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 21 (2):43-45.
  38. Laws beyond spacetime.Vincent Lam & Christian Wüthrich - 2023 - Synthese 202 (3):1-24.
    Quantum gravity’s suggestion that spacetime may be emergent and so only exist contingently would force a radical reconception of extant analyses of laws of nature. Humeanism presupposes a spatiotemporal mosaic of particular matters of fact on which laws supervene; primitivism and dispositionalism conceive of the action of primitive laws or of dispositions as a process of ‘nomic production’ unfolding over time. We show how the Humean supervenience basis of non-modal facts and primitivist or dispositionalist accounts of nomic production can be (...)
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    Vaccine Procurement: The Changes Needed to Close Access Gaps and Achieve Health Equity in Routine and Pandemic Settings.Shawn H. E. Harmon, Ksenia Kholina & Janice E. Graham - 2024 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 52 (2):467-479.
    Vaccines are not the only public health tool, but they are critical in routine and emergency settings. Achieving optimal vaccination rates requires timely access to vaccines. However, we have persistently failed to secure, distribute, and administer vaccines in a timely, effective, and equitable manner despite an enduring rhetoric of global health equity.
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    The Michigan BioTrust for Health: Using Dried Bloodspots for Research to Benefit the Community While Respecting the Individual.Denise Chrysler, Harry McGee, Janice Bach, Ed Goldman & Peter D. Jacobson - 2011 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 39 (s1):98-101.
    The Michigan Department of Community Health stores almost 4 million dried blood spot specimens in the Michigan Neonatal Biobank. DBS are collected from newborns under a mandatory public health program to screen for serious conditions. At 24 to 36 hours of age, a few drops of blood are taken from the baby’s heel and placed on a filter paper card. The card is sent to the state public health laboratory for testing. After testing, MDCH retains the spots indefinitely for the (...)
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  41.  73
    Recent Developments in Health Law.Ching Ping Ang, Joseph Wolpin & Elisha Baron - 2009 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 37 (1):149-159.
    As of July 1, 2008, females aged 11-26 years seeking status as permanent residents in the United States must produce documentation that they have received the human papillomavirus vaccine before the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services will approve their status adjustment. Immigration rights activists and public health officials have objected to this new requirement on the grounds that it is unnecessary and imposes unreasonable barriers to lawful immigration due to its expense. The Supreme Court has generally upheld mandatory vaccination requirements (...)
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  42.  13
    The quantum gravity seeds for laws of nature.Vincent Lam & Daniele Oriti - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 14 (4):1-23.
    We discuss the challenges that the standard (Humean and non-Humean) accounts of laws face within the framework of quantum gravity where space and time may not be fundamental. This paper identifies core (meta)physical features that cut across a number of quantum gravity approaches and formalisms and that provide seeds for articulating updated conceptions that could account for QG laws not involving any spatio-temporal notions. To this aim, we will in particular highlight the constitutive roles of quantum entanglement, quantum transition amplitudes (...)
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    Factors Affecting Ethical Attitudes in Mainland China and Hong Kong.Kit-Chun Lam & Guicheng Shi - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 77 (4):463-479.
    In this article, we analyzed the effect of various factors on moral judgment and ethical attitudes of working persons. It was found that the effect of various socio-demographic factors on ethical attitudes varied between the two different categories of ethical issues under study, issues which involve explicit violation of laws vis-à-vis issues which involved social concerns. Our results did not support the implication of Callahan’s hypothesis that males are more sensitive to rule-based ethical issues while women are to issues involving (...)
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    Review of Outpatient Pediatric Ethics Consults at an Academic Medical Center. [REVIEW]George E. Freigeh, Hannah Fagen & Janice Firn - forthcoming - HEC Forum:1-13.
    Limited data exist in the specific content of pediatric outpatient ethics consults as compared to inpatient ethics consults. Given the fundamental differences in outpatient and inpatient clinical care, we aimed to describe the distinctive nature of ethics consultation in the ambulatory setting. This is a retrospective review at a large, quaternary academic center of all outpatient ethics consults in a 6-year period. Encounter-level demographic data was recorded, and primary ethical issue and contextual features were identified using qualitative conceptual content analysis. (...)
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    Zhang, Zhaoyang 張朝陽, Reconstruction of Early Chinese Civil Law 中國早期民法的建構: Beijing 北京: Zhongguo Zhengfa Daxue Chubanshe 中國政法大學出版社, 2014, 273 pages.Shuk-Kuen Lam - 2017 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 16 (4):609-612.
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    ‘To act is to be committed, and to be committed is to be in danger’: the vulnerability of the young lawyer in ethical crisis.Jane Ching, Graham Ferris & Jane Jarman - 2022 - Legal Ethics 25 (1):44-63.
    This paper takes as its starting point the phenomenon of young lawyers in ethical crisis. The teaching of ethics in the classroom and the ethos and environment of the law firm have created dissonance: knowing what it is right to do but being unable to do it. In examining this phenomenon, we develop the idea of commitment as a source of duty, loyalty, and courage that enables someone to accept and overcome reluctance to act ethically. Our conceptual framework combines two (...)
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  47. The Theory of Buddha-bodies in the Context of Soteriology-focusing on the Mahāyānasamgraha.Ching Keng - 2011 - Philosophy and Culture 38 (3):119-145.
    This paper advocates learned in the religious context of liberation, the "theology," a concept can be reasonably applied to religious traditions other than Christianity. According to that "beyond the world community and how the phenomenon of contact" as a general theological issues, and Consciousness-only school of Buddhism, one of the major literature of the "photo Mahayana theory of" how to respond to this issue. In the "photo Mahayana theory" in this issue of "inaction of the Dharma Realm to save sentient (...)
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  48. Chŏngŭi ŭi wŏnchʻŏn.Ching-Hsiung Wu - 1975
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  49. Fountain of justice.Ching-Hsiung Wu - 1955 - London,: Sheed & Ward.
  50.  86
    The Invisible Hand from the Grave.Barry Lam - 2019 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 15 (3).
    The practice of giving the wealthy perpetual control of their assets is re-emerging in an era of great wealth inequality, long after it had been banned in common law countries. The philosophical justification for such control rests on the claim that there are posthumous rights to wealth, and that such rights do not extend in problematic way to other goods, such as political suffrage. On the basis of such a claim, we give people freedom of testation, and deem them vulnerable (...)
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